Dunterlie Places for Sport

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What do you think if the New MUGA play area?

Thank you for giving us your views which helped shape the new Multi Use Games Area behind the Dunterlie Community Centre. To help us measure how much of a difference this has made to local people can you please fill in this short evaluation survey.


Posted on 22nd August 2024

by John Semple

Dunterlie new pitch


The new Multi Use Games Area on Stewart Street is nearly ready.

Help us finish the work by sharing this survey on your social media https://dunterlie-places-for-sport.commonplace.is/

The survey finishes on the 18th of December.

Posted on 12th December 2023

by John Semple

Press Release re the New MUGA

The council press release about the new MUGA in Dunterlie can be seen here. Please share this good news with your social media contacts.


Posted on 16th November 2023

by John Semple

Survey Now Open - see the proposals for the new MUGA

Thank you for subscribing to our news-cast about this exciting project for Dunterlie.

You can follow the link on this email to see the proposals for the New Multi-use Games Area currently being built. Answering the short questionnaire will also help us plan how the MUGA can be used by the community and what could happen there in the future.

Please complete the questionnaire by following the attached link.

Posted on 8th November 2023

by John Semple